G4F SFX09 – Metal


The G4F SFX09 – Metal soundbank is comprised entirely of metallic sounds generated by many different objects.

Files list pdf xls
Files number 216
BWF 96Khz-24Bits.
SFX number 1208
Size 5100
Zip archive of 3150Mo


The G4F SFX09 – Metal soundbank is comprised entirely of metallic sounds generated by many different objects.

The soundbank contains high-quality recordings made at the Foley’Torium studio. The recordings are 96 kHz/24 bit, with a Class A setup (Sound Devices recorder with DPA and Neumann mics).

The sounds are grouped into 3 categories: Impacts, friction, rolling, sliding, engines/motors with metal resonators providing a very rich texture. It also contains several specific sounds designed for quick use.

Number of files: 216 wav files / 1208 SFX

Size: 5,10 GB (zip archive of 3,15 GB)

UCS Naming and Classification

Foley: Julien Billeau

Sound Engineer: Arnaud Roy

Sound Designers: Benjamin Michenaud and Alexandre Bobe

Listen to the demo:


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